Riverside Park Final Design and Construction Administration
Riverside Park Final Design and construction observation
Landscape Architecture > Parks, Trails and Greenways > Riverside Park Final Design and Construction Observation
Evans, Colorado

Client: City of Evans
Riverside Park is a 100+ acre regional park that was destroyed by the flood events that ravaged Colorado in September 2013. The previous park featured baseball fields, multi-use recreation fields, playgrounds, basketball courts, pavilions and a fishing area.
Following the approval of the Master Plan, THK was further contracted to develop final design and construction documents. Construction documentation was completed in April, 2017 and the project went to bid in June, 2017.
Final design includes repairing flood damage, removing an existing berm comprised of approximately 70,000 cubic yards of unsuitable soil (trash and waste from a former landfill), restoring approximately 10 acres of floodplain, raising the park road and renovated ball fields out of the 100 year floodplain to provide future flood resiliency and balancing grading efforts to achieve a no-rise certification in the floodplain. Additional amenities included shade structures, playground with climbing wall, basketball courts and custom concession/restroom facility. THK assisted the City of Evans in securing $11 million dollars in funding for design and construction of Riverside Park as well. Construction in the park is currently underway and will be completed by Winter 2018. Continue to check back for updated construction photos.