Mineral Palace Park Master Plan
Mineral Palace park Master Plan
Landscape Architecture > Municipal and Master Planning > Mineral Palace Park Master Plan
Pueblo, Colorado

Client: City of Pueblo
Description: As a part of the New Pueblo Freeway, THK Associates Inc. master planned mitigation measures for Mineral Palace Park caused by the widening of I-25. The result of this effort was a Park Restoration Plan for the entire park. Mineral Palace Park was originally constructed in the late 1800’s and was originally constructed as a tourist destination, housing a spectacular rose garden and the largest mineral collection in the world at that time. The grounds around the Palace consisted of an elaborate garden with botanical displays, flowerbeds, a lake and walking paths. The Palace also functioned as a community gathering place housing many community functions. In the early 1900’s, the City of Pueblo took over the ownership and maintenance of the park. In the 1930’s and 1940’s, major renovations occurred in the park as a part of the WPA program. Also, by this time, the Palace had been torn down. Since the early 1900’s, Mineral Palace Park has survived as the only regional park in the north half of Pueblo.
Due to the park’s long history and the importance of the park within Pueblo’s park system, City, community and business interest in the park was very high. THK lead a very intense public involvement process to develop a Master Plan for the park. This Master Plan will become part of the required mitigation for widening I-25.
THK also helped establish the Friends of Mineral Palace Park. This group includes the city, business and concerned citizens to help with the maintenance of the park, and to form a partnership with the city to assure that the park continues to be a vibrant element of the city.