I-25 Cimarron Interchange
Interstate I-25 / Cimarron Interchange
Landscape Architecture > Transportation > I-25 / Cimarron Interchange
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Client: Colorado Department of Transportation
I-25/SH Cimarron Interchange: THK Associates, Inc. developed the Aesthetic Design Guidelines for the re-design of the I-25 and Highway 24 (Cimarron St.) interchange in Colorado Springs. This interchange serves as the gateway to downtown Colorado Springs, as well as Garden of the Gods. Both the community and the City had a strong desire for this interchange to have a unique and distinguishing character. Moreover, the new structures had to blend and compliment the previous work in the corridor including COSMIX and the Bijou Street Bridge renovation. THK lead the design effort not only for the landscape, but for all of the structural aesthetics as well. This included an 8 month+ design process working with a group of key stakeholders to define the desired aesthetics and character. The project also included re-constructing a reach of Fountain Creek; the team designed a creek corridor that is flood resilient, provides fish passages and creates natural and aesthetically-pleasing vegetated habitats.
The I-25/Cimarron Interchange is currently under construction. THK continues to be involved in the process acting as an Owners Representative for CDOT. The project is anticipated to be complete the end of 2017.