Fountain Creek Restoration at SH 47
Fountain Creek Restoration at SH 47
Landscape Architecture > River Restoration > Fountain Creek Restoration at SH 47
Pueblo, Colorado

Client: Fountain Creek Watershed, Flood Control and Greenway District and Colorado Department of Transportation
Following severe flooding in 2015, much of the floodplain and Creek area around the State Highway 47 Bridge sustained erosion and damage. CDOT conducted emergency repairs to the area to protect the SH 47 bridge structure. The nearly year-long project to restore 3,000 lineal feet of the Creek and protect the bridge stability was a $6 million dollar partnership between the FCWFCGD and CDOT. Project goals included realigning the channel to a more natural configuration, re-engaging the floodplain, protecting the SH 47 bridge structure and revegetation efforts. In addition, the project removed large amounts of debris along the banks including trash and vehicles.
The project used rock lined banks to re-establish a natural sinuosity of the creek channel. A guide bank and creek realignment were used to protect the bridge structure and significant revegetation efforts we utilized in the floodplain to provide long term stability, including protecting existing cottonwood galleries.
The construction of this project was completed in the spring of 2019.