On March 19th, 2023, after only 3.5 years of planning, design and construction, Governor Polis opened the new, much anticipated 8-Mile trail to the 9,633 Foot summit of Fishers Peak State Park. The trail will remain open until March 15th, followed by a closure for raptor nesting. The Closure will run from March 15th to July 31st every year.
Kevin Shanks, Vice President of THK Associates, Master Planning and Trail Design Project Manager for Fishers Peak State Park, participated in the Sunday morning hike and ribbon cutting at the top of the peak with Governor Jared Polis, DNR Director Dan Gibbs, CPW Director Jeff Davis and Fishers Peak State Park Manager, Crystal Dreiling.
"Fishers Peak is an Icon to anyone traveling north over Raton Pass into Colorado or exploring the southeast region of the state,” Director Davis said. “This trail is a major accomplishment, given the quick timeline and the challenging conditions faced by the trail builders. I applaud CPW Park Manager Crystal Drieling and the entire team that made this happen.”
Governor Polis, DNR Director Dan Gibbs, CPW Director Jeff Davis and Park/Trail Designers Kevin Shanks (THK) and Bill Mangle (ERO) Open Fishers Peak Summit Trail.