Riverside Park Master Plan
Riverside Park Master Plan
Landscape Architecture > Parks, Trails and Greenways > Riverside Park Master Plan
Evans, Colorado

Client: City of Evans
Riverside Park is a 100+ acre regional park that was destroyed by the flood events that ravaged Colorado in September 2013. The previous park featured baseball fields, multi-use recreation fields, playgrounds, basketball courts, pavilions and a fishing area.
Historically the floodplain had been separated from the South Platte River by a berm constructed of trash, which breached in 2013, resulting in greater flood damage to the community of Evans. By removing the trash, lowering portions of the Park, and increasing floodplain capacity, THK created the opportunity to restore much of the Park as natural riparian habitat.
The Master Planning effort was well received and the City of Evans contracted with THK to complete final design and construction observation on the Park.
Following the approval of the Master Plan, THK was contracted to develop the master planning effort into final design and construction documents. Construction documentation was completed in April, 2017 and the project went to bid in June, 2017. For more information about the Final Design and Construction click here.