Legacy Loop Trail
Legacy Loop Trail, Master Plan and Final Design
Landscape Architecture > Parks, Trails and Greenways > Legacy Loop Trail, Master Plan and Final Design
Colorado Springs, Colorado

THK Associates was retained to develop conceptual design ideas for a major segment of the Legacy Loop Trail from Mesa Road north along Monument Creek to the Rock Island Rail Line and then east to Shook’s Run. The conceptual design was completed for inclusion in a Spring 2015 Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) grant application.
The work included creek access to Monument Creek within the Work Projects Administration (WPA) flood wall at both Mesa Road and Uintah Street. The goal was to activate the creek area by creating access down to the creek in several key locations adjacent to Colorado Colege.
Additionally, a trailhead was developed at Fontenaro Street and Monument Creek with a new pedestrian bridge across a tributary to Monument Creek. The trail alignment along Monument Creek and the Rail Line was established as a part of the conceptual design effort. All concepts were communicated with perspective sketches and 3-D renderings.