Grant Frontier Park

Client: City and County of Denver
Grant Frontier Park is currently under construction and is expected to be completed Winter 2016. As part of the implementation of the South Platte River Vision, THK was contracted by the City and County of Denver to develop the conceptual design, construction documents and conduct final construction administration for Grant Frontier Park.
The location of Grant Frontier Park was one of the first places gold was discovered in the Platte around the City of Denver. This deep connection to the river had been forgotten when the river was channelized during the 20th century. The banks of the river were raised eliminating any opportunity for easy river access.
THK took into account the areas historic character, community input and environmental need to design a Park that uses functional forms to tell the story of the place and create a vision for its future. A formal plaza and picnic area radiates out from a two hundred year old cottonwood tree that will provide shade and historical context for the educational workshops that will be conducted there. Cascading down from the plaza an arching staircase flows past a perennial rock garden and boulder terraces that mark the five, ten and one hundred year flood level before arriving at the secondary channel. This channel separates the main Park from an island built into the river and provides individuals a safe environment for interaction with the river and an active play area along its banks. All access to the river and island will be ADA compliant allowing all members of the City to enjoy their Park.