Fountain Creek Restoration Master Plan
Fountain Creek Restoration Master Plan and Demonstration Projects
Landscape Architecture > River Restoration > Fountain Creek Restoration Master Plan
Colorado Springs to Pueblo, Colorado

Client: Fountain Creek Watershed, Flood Control and Greenway District, Colorado Springs Utilities, Lower Arkansas Valley Water Conservancy District
THK established a revitalization concept vision for the reach of Fountain Creek between Colorado Springs and the confluence with the Arkansas River in Pueblo. The project area was an approximate distance of 46 miles and included a width of approximately ¼ a mile on either side, including at a minimum, the 100 year floodplain. The plan defines the elements that are included in a relatively stable reach of the Creek vs. an unstable reach of the Creek. The plan establishes a series of restoration techniques, including conservation, that are intended to be the toolbox of techniques used as a part of revitalizing Fountain Creek. The plan developed specific demonstration projects using these restoration techniques. These projects were intended to be early action projects, as well as case studies, that could be built or expanded on in the future.
Demonstration Projects that have been completed by THK include:
Fountain Creek Fish Passage - THK was retained to develop design alternatives for a fish passage for the Arkansas Darter and the Flathead Chub along Fountain Creek. THK developed design concepts for a naturalized structure that would allow the fish species to successfully navigate the diversion structure and restore historical migration patterns.
Fountain Creek Realignment at Clear Springs Ranch – Fountain Creek began to encroach on I-25 and CDOT Right-of-Way. THK developed grading for overflow/wetland ponds to provide flood volume and improve water quality as part of the creek realignment. THK supervised the installation of 100,000 willow cuttings and willow brush layering and 55,000 wetland plugs.
Fountain Creek Jurisdictional Wetlands - THK developed a 1.16 acre wetland demonstration project on Clear Springs Ranch. THK assisted with volunteer education during the installation of the project to ensure that the planting of wetland materials were placed and installed correctly by the volunteer planting crews. This project served as mitigation credit for a regional project.
Fountain Creek Restoration at Frost Ranch - THK was responsible for the restoration and revegetation of deeply eroded creek bank section along Fountain Creek. THK developed unique planting and bank stabilization alternatives that serve as a demonstration project for future restoration and revegetation projects. Soil fill was placed in Koir blankets. Native seed was applied to the top lift of the soil before the Koir wrap was applied. Brush layers of willows were placed between each soil loft. Willows were then staked into the soil lifts as well.
The Master plan Document can be found on the Fountain Creek Watershed, Flood Control and Greenway District’s website at: