Fletcher Allen Health Care Campus

Fletcher Allen Health Care Campus

Landscape Architecture > Parks, Trails and Greenways

Burlington, VT


Chris Dunn and his former firm (SE Group) teamed with Tsoi Kobus Architects from Boston and were chosen following a national competition. The master plan program included a new Ambulatory Care Facility, Oncology, Maternity Wing, Physical Plant and upgraded hospital beds. The old North facing (very cold) patient entrance was replaced with a South facing Arrival Court. A new approach drive eliminated a road that bisected the campus and lessened traffic passing through an existing neighborhood. Combined with a new 900 car parking structure, previous traffic congestion was eliminated. The landscape architects took the lead on site design (roads, walks, plazas, site grading), obtaining entitlements, design of the landscape elements (plantings, paving, lighting), and design of specialty gardens such as the children’s garden; therapeutic garden; educational garden; and a historical garden in front of the original hospital building.