Fountain Creek Restoration at Pinon Bridge
Fountain Creek Restoration at Pinon Bridge
Landscape Architecture > River Restoration/Flood Resiliency > Fountain Creek Restoration at Pinon Bridge
Pueblo, Colorado

Client: Fountain Creek Watershed, Flood Control and Greenway District
Fountain Creek is a sandy bottomed creek that experiences creek migration during floods. The Fountain Creek Watershed Flood Control and Greenway District has taken proactive measures to protect the new Pinon Bridge, constructed in 2004, after the original bridge was washed out in a 1999 flood. The movement of the Creek in recent high flow events has increased the risks to the new Pinon Bridge. The project focused on realigning 1,200 lineal feet of creek to protect the bridge, enhance sediment transport and promote long term channel stability.
The project included significant revegetation efforts including cottonwood trees, willow stakes and seeding.
The $2.3 million project was completed in the spring of 2019.