Big Dry Creek Pilot Project
Big Dry Creek Pilot Project
Landscape Architecture > River Restoration/Flood Resiliency > Big Dry Creek Pilot Project
Thornton, Colorado

Client: City of Thornton
The Big Dry Creek Pilot Project was a priority project identified in the Big Dry Creek River Corridor Master Plan completed by THK. The City partnered with the Urban Drainage Flood Control District to bring contractors on board early to collaborate during the design process. The project is broken up into 2 phases, Floodplain Restoration and Passive Recreation. Set for construction in September 2019, the floodplain restoration plans were successful in achieving a no-rise certification. While preliminary stages showed a slight rise on site, THK expanded a natural drainage area to eliminate the rise in the floodplain while increasing biodiversity, promoting natural drainage, and creating a more enjoyable user experience. This project is also setting a precedent for environmental permitting through its data collection and monitoring.
THK is working with the City to complete the Passive Recreation Plans. The plans will include a portion of the Heritage Regional Trail, a connector trail, a new pedestrian bridge, a trailhead, secondary trails and opportunities for creek access.