Fraser River Corridor Master Plan
Fraser River Corridor Master Plan
Landscape Architecture > Parks, Trails and Greenways > Fraser River Corridor Master Plan
Fraser, Colorado

Client: Town of Fraser
THK was hired by the Town of Fraser to complete a community driven Master Plan for Cozens Ranch Open Space that identified needs, goals and strategies to activate an under-utilized 120-acre open space between the Town of Fraser and Winter Park. The project area encompasses the largest intact piece of healthy riparian habitat in the Fraser Valley. The Master Plan built a community consensus to improve Cozen Ranch Open Space with the desired outcome of protecting the land, river and wildlife while increasing river access, recreational activities and educational opportunities in order to connect residents and visitors to the beauty and serenity of the Fraser River.
The following elements were included in the Master Plan:
• Environmental analysis including, riparian habitat assessment, geochemistry analysis, water temperature readings and aquatic macroinvertebrate sampling
• Additional parking locations at key areas around the corridor based on projected use
• Over 4 miles of new multi-use, hiking and mountain biking trails including the creation of looped trails and a new pedestrian river crossing
• Increased ADA accessibility throughout the corridor
• Focused river access points for education, fishing, private and group gatherings
• Educational programing through partnerships with local stakeholder groups
• A new Riverside Park with environmental play, picnic opportunities, ADA river access, restroom facilities, a small amphitheater, bike playground and constructed wetlands around existing ponds