Fountain Creek Restoration at Barr Farm – Phase I
Fountain Creek Restoration at Barr Farm – Phase I
Landscape Architecture > River Restoration/Flood Resiliency > Fountain Creek Restoration at Barr Farm – Phase I
Pueblo, Colorado

Client: Fountain Creek Watershed, Flood Control and Greenway District
Fountain Creek’s lateral migration has created steep cut banks along this 1,600 linear foot project. The Creek has shifted into the adjacent Barr Farm property, causing the loss of agricultural lands and high sediment loads in the Creek. In addition, the Creek location is threatening overhead power lines and may eventually impact Overton Road.
The primary project goals were bank stabilization and erosion reduction. The project used rock and wood structures to protect the banks, did significant earth work to reshape the channel and elevation of the floodplain and significant revegetation efforts.
The construction of this $2.4 million project was completed in the summer of 2019. Currently, THK and the District are working on Phase II of the project, which is located directly north of Phase I.