Austin Bluffs Open Space Management and Master Plan
Austin Bluffs Open Space Management and Master Plan
Landscape Architecture > Parks, Trails and Greenways > Austin Bluffs Open Space Management and Master Plan
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Client: City of Colorado Springs
THK is currently developing a Management and Master Plan for Austin Bluffs Open Space which has over 600 acres of land with outcroppings, bluffs, mesas and valleys filled with native vegetation and wildlife. Austin Bluffs Open Space is located adjacent to the University of Colorado Colorado Springs and borders the University Park neighborhood. The Open Space is overrun with rogue trails that are deteriorating the natural ecosystems and cultural resources on site.
THK working with the City, stakeholders and community to develop a master plan that balances user experience and the protection of the natural and cultural resources by developing designated trails and access, signage and rogue trail closures. The Management and Master Plan is expected to be completed in January 2020.